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Social Etiquette: Don't Complain

Updated: Feb 8, 2023

A few tips to consider before you Tweet in a heat or unleash on your audience. It is an uncomfortable position for your audience and can have costly consequences as you lose clientele:

1. Never complain about your boss or work issues. Simply not worth it. This is especially important to remember if you’re friends with co-workers on your social channels. Ditch the Debbie Downer persona online to preserve cohesive workplace dynamics and ultimately your job.

2. Don't complain about family or friends. Your mother knows everything. Even if you aren't naming names, you can't fool family or those people closest to you. Updating your status while alluding to a certain family or friends can damage the livelihood of your relationships. Have a person-to-person conversation instead of doing your dirty laundry in the Facebook machine.

3. Never go social when you are angry. Keep your posts thoughtful and avoid posting in the heat of the moment. Don't react publicly to a situation that won't matter later.

4. R-E-S-P-E-C-T. Thinking Aretha here. Keep it respectful, people. Healthy debates can be fun and resourceful, whether about presidential candidates or hair salons, especially when we are respectful of each other's point of view. Don't be the person whose posts are regularly deleted because of aggressive opinions. If you can't play nice online, it may be time for a new hobby.

5. Reach out to companies directly with a complaint. If you are dissatisfied with the product or services of a company, reach out to them in a personal email or through their website. Putting your grievances on social media is an unlikely arena to gather a positive response. Remember too, as a business owner your own reputation may be at stake of you seem problematic to other local companies.

Basically, the Golden Rule should apply to your social media interactions. Keep it simple. Proceed with respect. Carry on with your social media self!

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